
Nancy Mcgruder, c. 1810-1906

by Cathy Callopy

Nancy was likely born in Kentucky and was sold down south to Natchez where she was purchased by John Minor in the 1820s. James Dinsmore bought her and Jilson Hawkins from the Minors and took them to Louisiana in 1829. She accompanied the family to Kentucky in 1842 and joined the local Middle Creek Baptist Church. She married Tom from the Rice family but he died several years afterwards. When the Civil War ended, she left the farm and joined other Boone County freed people in Oxford, Ohio. She returned to the Dinsmore farm in the 1880s, was nursed through her last years in the sick room inside the house. She died in 1906 and this is where we believe she was buried.

nancy_mcgruder.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/03 18:42 by