
Sam Delph Farm (BE 87)

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Located on Garrison Creek Road, the Delph Farm is an outstanding example of a small Boone County farmstead of the late 1800s. The modest house, built close to the road; the informal, close-knit grouping of the outbuildings; the nearness and small extent of the fields cultivated, and the difficult, rolling site give it strong associations with small-scale farming in hilly western Boone during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Nearly two stories in height, the main house is a hall-parlor dwelling with irregular facade, slope-shouldered brick chimneys and a shed-roofed ell. Nearby are a series of farm buildings with vertical board siding and metal roofs. The house enjoys a pristine rural setting overlooking Garrison Creek, and is reached by a ford across the creek.

The house was added to the National Register in 1989.

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sam_delph.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/03 18:42 by